Professor Papken Eh. Hovsepian Award
The Joint SHU - Fraunhofer IST HIPIMS Research Centre presents the Professor Papken Hovsepian Award to young researchers under the age of 35.
- First place: Award certificate and a 200 GBP prize
- Second place: Award certificate and a 100 GBP prize
- Third place: Award certificate and a 50 GBP prize
To nominate themselves, applicants must submit:
- Abstract
- Application form for self-nomination (Download word .docx document here)
- Declaration for submission of the full paper respecting the deadlines
Awards process:
- Paper submission deadline: 10th June 2025
- Committee shortlisting: 24th June 2025
- All nominated papers will be presented during the first day of the conference technical programme
- Final Award Decision: At the end of the first day of the conference technical programme
- Awards will be presented at the Conference Dinner by the Award Committee Chair and Conference Chair
Award Committee:
- Prof. Arutiun P. Ehiasarian, Conference Chair
- Dr. Ralf Bandorf